Need for Measurements

Physics is an exact science which gives an accurate knowledge about the nature and the natural phenomena. It expresses various natural phenomena in terms of the relation­ships among the quantities involved. The exactness or accuracy of these relationships depends upon the measurements we make. The accuracy of the measure­ments, in turn, depends on the accuracy … Read more

Conservation Laws

In any physical process involving the different forces, some physical quantities remain un­changed with time. Such quantities are called conserved quantities. The laws which govern the conservation of these quantities are called conservation laws. In classical physics, we usually deal with the following four conservation laws: 1. Law of conservation of energy. 2. Law of … Read more

Fundamental Forces in Nature

In the macroscopic world, we observe several kinds of forces: muscular force, contact forces of support and friction, forces exerted by springs and strings, viscous forces, electric forces, magnetic forces, etc. All these forces between macroscopic objects arise from two fundamental forces: 1. Gravitational force 2. Electromagnetic force In the microscopic world, in addition to … Read more

Physics and Technology

Technology has mostly been developed as a result of physics applications. Nowadays, physics is applied in all spheres of life. Some of the major technologies based on the applications of physics are as follows- 1. Newton’s concept of gravitation is used in geostationary satellites which help us in fore­casting weather and in geophysical survey. 2. … Read more

Excitement of physics

Physics is a fascinating subject to study in many aspects, including the following: 1. Despite the diversity and complexity of physical events, it is fascinating that these phenomena can be analysed and comprehended in terms of a few fundamental laws and principles. 2. Some other people get excitement in carrying out new challenging experiments to … Read more

Basic Quests in Physics

Two basic quests in physics. Two principal thrusts in physics are unification and reductionism. 1. Unification. In physics, attempt is made to explain various physical phenomena in terms of just few concepts and laws. We try to see the physical world as manifestation of some universal laws. For example, the same (Newton’s) law of gravitation … Read more

Motion in Dimension

In this article we are going to discuss the motion in different dimensions. Motion in one dimension An object moving along a straight line or path is said to have one-dimensional motion.Suppose an object moves in a particular direction then its position at any time can be described by knowing its distance from the starting … Read more

Point Object

In this article we are going to discuss about the concept of point object. Concept of a point object A point object is one, which has no linear dimensions but possesses mass. In practice this is not possible. In physics an object is termed as a point object if the distance it travels is very … Read more


We See different things in motion- people and vehicles move on roads, trains move on railway tracks, aeroplanes and bird fly, our teeth go up and down while we eat, the blades of a fan move when the fan is switched on (though the fan remains at the same place), raindrops fall, the sun moves … Read more