Assertion and Reason Questions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry

Here we are providing assertion reason questions for class 9 maths. In this article, we are covering assertion reason questions for class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry. Solutions are also provided. Students are suggested to solve the questions by themselves. After completing all questions, refer to answers and solutions for better understanding.

Assertion and Reason Questions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry

Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(C) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

Q.1. Assertion: Point A(-2, -4) lies on III quadrant
Reason: A point both of whose coordinates are negative lies in III quadrant

Answer Answer: (a)

Q.2. Assertion: The abscissa of a point (5, 2) is 5.
Reason: The perpendicular distance of a point from y-axis is called its abscissa.

Answer Answer: (a)

Q.3. Assertion: The point (0,4) lies on y-axis.
Reason: The x co-ordinate of the point on y-axis is zero.

Answer Answer: (a)

Q.4. Assertion: Point (4, -2) lies in IV quadrant.
Reason: The perpendicular distance of a point from y-axis is called its abscissa.

Answer Answer: (b)

Q.5. Assertion : The points (-1, 2) and (2,- 1) are at different positions in the coordinate plane.
Reason: Point (-1,2) lies in Il-quadrant and (2,- 1) lies in IV quadrant

Answer Answer: (a)

Q.6. Assertion : If the ordinate of a point is equal to its abscissa, then the point lies either in the first quadrant or in the second quadrant.
Reason : A point both of whose coordinates are negative will lie in third quadrants

Answer Answer: (d)

Q.7. Assertion: A point whose abscissa is -3 and ordinate is 2 lies in second quadrant
Reason: Points of the type (-; +) lie in the second quadrant

Answer Answer: (a)

Q.8. Assertion: The perpendicular distance of the point A(3, 4) from the y-axis is 4
Reason: The perpendicular distance of a point from y-axis is called its x-coordinate.

Answer Answer: (d)

Q.9. Assertion : The point (-2, 0) lies on y-axis and (0, 4) on x -axis.
Reason: Every point on the x -axis has zero distance from x -axis and every point on the y-axis has zero distance from y-axis.

Answer Answer: (d)

Q.10. Assertion: A point whose abscissa is 2 and ordinate is -3 lies in fourth quadrant
Reason: Points of the type (-; +) lie in the second quadrant

Answer Answer: (b)

What are Assertion Reason Questions?

Certainly, Assertion Reason questions are a specific kind of questions often found in tests, especially in subjects like science and logic. In these questions, there are two statements: one is the Assertion (a statement) and the other is the Reason (an explanation). Your job is to see how these two statements relate to each other and decide if they are both correct or not.

Here’s a breakdown of the structure of an Assertion Reason question:

  1. Assertion: The Assertion is a statement presented as a fact or claim. It may be true or false, and it is typically written in a straightforward manner.
  2. Reason: The Reason is a statement that provides an explanation or justification for the Assertion. It can support or challenge the Assertion, depending on the accuracy of the Reasoning provided.
  3. Options: Multiple options are typically provided alongside the Assertion Reason pair. The test-taker must choose the correct option that reflects the logical relationship between the Assertion and the Reason.

The possible options typically include:

a) If both the Assertion and the Reason are true, and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.

b) If both the Assertion and the Reason are true, but the Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.

c) If the Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.

d) If the Assertion is false, but the Reason is true.

e) If both the Assertion and the Reason are false.

To answer Assertion Reason questions correctly, the test-taker needs to analyze the accuracy and logical connection between the two statements. It requires critical thinking, reasoning abilities, and a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

It is important to note that Assertion Reason questions can be challenging, as the test-taker needs to evaluate both statements independently and then determine the relationship between them. Careful reading, logical reasoning, and knowledge of the subject are essential for accurately answering such questions.

Preparation Tips to Score More in Assertion Reason Questions for Class 9 Maths

Assertion-reasoning questions can be daunting for CBSE students as they demand a deeper grasp and analytical thinking compared to regular multiple-choice queries. Such questions have two parts: an assertion and a reason. Students must decide if both are true and if the reason supports the assertion.

These questions go beyond rote knowledge, needing understanding of connections between facts. Fear might arise if students lack confidence in analyzing and judging the data. Also, their significant marks can intensify exam pressure.

However, with practice and a solid understanding of the concepts, students can overcome their fear of assertion-reasoning questions and perform well on their exams. It is important for students to read the questions carefully, understand the meaning of each statement, and analyze the relationship between the two statements before selecting their answer.

Preparing for assertion-reasoning questions can be challenging, but by adopting effective strategies, you can enhance your abilities and excel in exams. Here’s how you can prepare:

  1. Understand the Concepts
  2. Practice Regularly
  3. Develop Analytical Skills
  4. Take Notes
  5. Seek Help

By following these strategies and putting in the effort to practice, you can improve your skills and perform well on assertion-reasoning questions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is cartesian plane?

This plane is defined by two perpendicular number lines, A horizontal line called x−axis and a vertical line called y−axis.

What is a quadrant?

The cartesian plane is divided into four equal parts, called quadrantsThese are named in the order as I, II, III and IV starting with the upper right and going around in anticlockwise direction.

What is Origin?

The coordinate axes intersect each other at right angles, The point of intersection of these two axes is called Origin.

What are the signs of coordinates of points in 1st quadrant?

‘+’ x – coordinate and ‘+’ y – coordinate. E.g. (6, 2)

What are the signs of coordinates of points in 2nd quadrant?

‘-’ x – coordinate and ‘+’ y – coordinate. E.g. (-2, 6)

What are the signs of coordinates of points in 3rd quadrant?

‘-’ x – coordinate and ‘-’ y – coordinate. E.g. (-5, -9)

What are the signs of coordinates of points in 4th quadrant?

‘+’ x – coordinate and ‘-’ y – coordinate. E.g. (12, -2)


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