Revision Notes for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 5 The Age of Industrialization

We are providing Chapterwise Quick Revision Notes for Class 10 Social Science SST. CBSE Class 10 Social Science SST contains History, Geography, Civics (Political Science) and Economics.

History: India and the Contemporary World – II
Geography : Contemporary India – II
Civics (Political Science) : Democratic Politics – II
Economics : Understanding Economic Development – II 

Here we have given Revision Notes for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 5 The Age of Industrialization

Let’s have a look at important terms and events covered in chapter 5 The Age of Industrialization.

Important Terms

  1. Orient: The countries of the East of the Mediterranean, mainly referring to Asia. The term originated from the western viewpoint that saw this region as pre-modern, mysterious as well as traditional.
  2. Proto-industrialisation: Was a possible phase in the development of modern industrial economies that preceded, and created conditions for the establishment of fully industrial societies.
  3. Industrialisation: It is known as a process in which an economy is transformed from agricultural to manufacturing goods.
  4. Industrial Revolution: During the late 1700s to early 1800s, Great Britain began with industrial revolution which spread throughout the world. The period mainly refers to the mechanisation of agriculture and textile manufacturing. It also includes building up of steam ships and railroads.
  5. Stapler: A person who ‘staples’ or sorts wool according to its fibre.
  6. Fullers: A person who gathers cloth by pleating.
  7. Carding: It is a process in which fibres, such as wool or cotton, are prepared prior to spinning.
  8. Spinning Jenny: Is a multi-spindle frame and was one of the key developments in the industrialisation of weaving during the early Industrial Revolution. It was invented by James Hargreaves.
  9. Sepoy: It was a British pronunciation of a hindi word sipahi, which refers to an Indian soldier in the service of the British.
  10. Fly-shuttle: It is a mechanical device used for weaving and moved by the means of ropes and pullies.

Important Dates:

1730s – Earliest factories were established in England.
1840s – Cotton textile came up as the leading sector in the first phase of industrialisation.
1850s – India saw a decline and desolation of cotton.
1854 – Establishment of the first cotton mill in Bombay.
1860s – Increase in the demand of Iron and Steel.
1874 – First spinning and weaving mill of Madras was established.
1900 – A popular music publisher, E.T. Paull produced a music book.
19001912 – Cotton prices in India doubled.
1917 – First Indian jute mill in Calcutta was established.
19001940 – Handloom cloth production expanded.


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