• In 1815, Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria collectively defeated Napoleon and to make a settlement, the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 was signed. According to the provisions of this treaty, the Bourbon dynasty was restored to power, France lost the territories it had annexed under Napoleon.

• A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French expansion in future.

(a) Netherlands and Belgium to look after the north boundaries.

(b) Genoa and Piedmont in the south.

(c) Austria and northern Italy.

(d) In the east, Russia was given part of Poland.

(e) Prussia was given a portion of Saxony.

• The main aim was to restore the monarchies and to create a new conservative order in Europe.

• The autocratic regimes did not tolerate criticism and to curb activities that questioned the legitimacy of autocratic government. It imposed censorship laws to newspapers, books, plays and songs that reflected the idea of freedom and liberty.


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